The Playbook: Insider Strategies to Increase Salesforce ROI - Ep. 2

April 28, 2021

Pacific Time

Episode 2: Benchmarking Metrics that Matter

The goal of any DevOps initiative should be to improve software delivery performance by strategically addressing areas of weakness. But, how can you identify areas of strategic improvement?

By benchmarking your development team’s DevOps performance and assessing delivery across a few key metrics, you'll be better equipped to make incremental improvements that have an outsized impact on ROI.

You'll Learn:

  • The 4 key DevOps Metrics that Matter
  • How to benchmark DevOps performance
  • Strategies for improving team performance in each area
  • What performance improvement can mean for your business

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Your Speakers:

AJ Barr

Program Architect


Taylor Patterson

Director, Program Architects
